Body butter in Night violet This is Shea butter based body butter which has a blend of other fair trade butters and oils like ca

TZS 20,000
Body butter in Night violet
This is Shea butter based body butter which has a blend of
other fair trade butters and oils like ca
  • Body butter in Night violet
This is Shea butter based body butter which has a blend of
other fair trade butters and oils like ca


Body butter in Night violet

This is Shea butter based body butter which has a blend of

other fair trade butters and oils like cacao butter and mango

butter, It is super moisturizing and nourishing while also

giving you the glow you're looking for!

Whats it good at you ask?

• Moisturizes and nourishes your skin deeply

• Gives you a natural glow

• Promotes Skin elasticity meaning helps with stretch marks

• Without forgetting it has got amazing scent which is soft

and not pungent

• Can be applied any time of the day, Night Violet is a flower

Have you tried??

If not, get yours now..

Price: 20,000 Tsh.

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